

Sozzinism: The Second Half of the 16th Century


A school of theology that developed after Sozzini's death that denied the Trinity and the divinity of Christ. Area of activity: Krakow, Poland. In 1838, they were expelled from the Polish parliament by the Catholic side.


 The movement, founded by Sozzini and his uncle Lelio Sozzini, was mainly centered in Cracow, Poland, and was theologically characterized by the denial of the Trinity and the divinity of Christ.

 In 1605, based on Sozzini's theology, the movement compiled the Rakauer Katechismus (Catechism of the Rakau Catechism), the standard doctrinal question and answer of the movement. It also advocates opposition to war and total non-resistance.

 After the 17th century, a counter-Reformation by Catholics developed, and they were persecuted by the Polish Parliament, and in 1838, their headquarters were destroyed and they were expelled.

 The following is a complete collection of Sozzini's writings.

"Bibliotheca Fratrum Polonorum quos Unitarios Vocant" (8 volumes, 1856, Amsterdam).

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